Only Nyakagezi gorilla family group in Mgahinga Gorilla Park

Only Nyakagezi gorilla family group in Mgahinga Gorilla Park

Uganda has got several gorilla families that are found in two national park which include Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park thus making Uganda the highest country with the more gorilla families and highest numbers of gorillas in the whole world.

Today, we look at Nyakagezi gorilla family group which is the single family of gorillas living in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Nyakagezi gorilla family is fully habituated and this means that visitors are free to visit the park and see this wonderful gorilla family.

The Nyakagezi gorilla family is the one of the interesting gorilla family to stay with during the one hour interaction with the family as you move through the jungle searching for this wonderful gorilla family.  As of present, the Nyakagezi gorilla family group features nine members which are led by a dominant silver back Mark after inheriting the leadership from the father Bugingo.

The nine members of the Nyakagezi gorilla gamily or group include the two infants, one juvenile, two adult females, and four silverbacks. All these individual gorilla family members are clearly named and these include Rukundo and Mutamba who are infants, Mafia and Mathew the silverbacks, Nkanda who is the juvenile and Nshuti, and Nyiramwiza who are females within the group.

The oldest gorilla in this group is called Bugingo and this became old ti manage the group and decided to surrender over leadership to the son Mark who is currently the dominant silverback and the moment Bugingo is so still living with the group and is currently above 50 years of age.

In terms of the gorilla families and their relationship this is very strange because the old silverback sometimes are isolated and chased to either join other gorilla families or staying alone for life but for the Nyakagezi gorilla family this is not the case because the oldest silverback is still happily living with the other gorilla members which is so interesting because such behaviors are not exhibited in other gorilla families especially those in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. So why don’t you come and explore this wonderful National Park?

Let’s explore more about the Nyakagezi gorilla family

As we are exploring more about the single gorilla gamily in the jungles of the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, now you need to know that this Nyakagezi gorilla family can be traced in Uganda, south western region and the gorillas stay close or on the slopes of the three Virunga ranges which include the Sabinyo, Muhavura and Gahinga volcanic ranges. The gorilla family was named Nyakagezi because the these gorillas were often seen in the places called Nyakagezi looking for food since this place Nyakagezi has got plenty of food  and thus frequently visited by gorillas hence the originality of the name.

Yes, we can say that Nyakagezi is the easiest to locate while on gorilla trekking activity because it usually concentrates on the areas where there is plenty of food, they like relaxation and recreation, however, this is not guarantee as sometimes the gorilla group can move for long distances and thus you might need to be physically fit for you to search this wonderful gorillas family.

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park came to get known on the world map because of its possession of the endangered mountain gorillas in the Nyakagezi gorilla family.   Currently, with the 9 members, Nyakagezi family has the oldest gorilla Bugingo who has more than 50 years and still living with the group as the an advisor to son Mark whom he gave the leadership of the group. Mark is the dominant silverback after taking over leadership from father Bugingo.

Prepare for Nyakagezi family trekking

Previously, Nyakagezi gorilla group was mobile traversing all over to the 2 countries of Rwanda and Democratic republic of Congo and this was difficult for the visitors who could go to track this gorilla family and it was tiresome and hectic to search this gorilla family. However, the gorilla family latter settled and established in the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is Uganda and this has made it easy for the guests to track this gorilla family. All the guests who have tracked this gorilla family in Mgahinga gorilla family have seen it and have enjoyed this experience in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park.

It has also been proven that the gorilla family stays on lower altitude and they don’t like moving across high slopes when going for feeding, relaxation and this has made it possible for the visitors to easily track the gorilla family. The Nyakagezi gorilla family is very active, so much entertaining as you enjoy the movement behaviors of the gorilla family and visit its oldest member Bugingo staying happily with other members.

Visitors booking safaris for booking the Nyakagezi gorilla family have 99% chances of seeing the gorilla since it had now settled in Mgahinga gorilla national park. Most of the visitors flock to Mgahinga to have a glimpse at this gorilla family and visitors wishing to trek Nyakagezi gorilla family will have to book the gorilla trekking permit from Uganda Wildlife Authority at the headquarters in Kampala or in Ntebeko Mgahinga park headquarters. It is good to book in advance in order not to miss out on this wonderful activity since only 8 permits are available for gorilla trekking.

Visitors visiting the Nyakagezi gorilla family will as well but on it to experience the Virunga volcanoes where they gorillas nest and you can also engage in hiking of one of the Virunga volcanoes as well as track the golden monkeys especially after seeing the Nyakagezi Family in Mgahinga gorilla family.

Getting to Mgahinga Gorilla Park for Nyakagezi Gorilla group

 Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is very accessible for both visitors travelling by road or those traveling by air to see the Nyakagezi Gorilla family. As I have said, the Nyakagezi family tracked from Mgahinga gorilla family and therefore, you can get to Mgahinga park for tracking the Nyakagezi gorilla family by leaving Kampala or Entebbe international airport by road and drive to south western Uganda flowing the Kampala Masaka-Mbarara highway and then from Mbarara you continue to Kabale then finally to Kisoro where Mgahinga gorilla Family is located. By air, chartered or scheduled fights can be got from Entebbe international Airport to Kisoro Airstrip where you will hire private vehicle to take you to bring Mgahinga Gorilla National Park for Gorilla trekking.

Where to in Mgahinga while searching Nyakagezi gorilla family?

There are a lot of various lodges favoring all categories of travelers in and around Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and therefore you don’t need to worry as your tracking Nyakagezi family because a lot of lodges where you can sleep are present. Some of the fantastic lodges include the chameleon hill lodge, Mutanda Lake resort, and the Gahinga Lodge.

Therefore Nyakagezi gorilla family is the single family of gorillas found in Mgahinga Gorilla Park and it provides visitors with the rewarding experience since it is permanently living and staying in the jungles of the Mgahinga Park. Come and get the gorilla first had experience in Uganda.